
Kids Can Make Cookbook Series

Book Jacket Design | Student Work

Created in 2019, these book jackets were designed in Adobe InDesign. Illustrative work created in Procreate for iPad.

These book jackets have received a Bronze American Advertising Award.

#illustration #bookjacketdesign #typography


Given the creative freedom to create book jackets for a series of my choice, I decided to undertake an exercise in hand-drawn type and illustration. I came up with a theoretical cookbook series titled "Kids Can Make". These books would contain various recipes based on their titles, geared towards little ones and their parents.

I have decided on a friendly, square composition for each of the books that add a sense of playfulness to the compositions. The books measure 5x5 inches, making handling easy for little hands.

For this “launch” line of books, I have included three sweet and simple food categories; pancakes, milkshakes and cupcakes.


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